Heavy Duty Beam Load Cell-SDM70
Robust digital heavy duty beam load cell produced in stainless steel and hermetically sealed to IP68. For example for process weighing, industrial weighing and tough applications such as on-board truck weighing, offshore, steel industry etc. OIML certified (up to C5) according to R60.
Type: SDM 70
Capacity (Emax): 1000, 2000, 3000 kg
Accuracy: Industrial 0.10% up to OIML class C5
Overload tolerance: Up to 500% of rated capacity
Special features:
- Stainless steel
- Made in Denmark
- Robust capacitive technology
- Patented high reliability capacitive sensor
- OIML R60 accuracy classes up to C5
- High tolerance of up to 1.000% overload
- Hermetically sealed to IP68
- Laser welded
- High accuracy, High resolution
- Digital filters
- Capacity (Emax): 1000, 2000, 3000kg
- Accuracy: Industrial 0.10% up to OIML class C5
- Cable length up to 100meters
- Calibration independent of cable length
- Load cell cable replaceable
- Withstands welding voltages and ESD
- Easy mechanical and electrical installation
- Mounting kits available
- Customized versions available
- Load cell cable length 10, 20, 50 or 100meters
- Special Teflon load cell cable available for very high temperature (can be used up to 100 degrees Celsius)
- Special PE load cell cable available for freezing low temperature (can be used down to -50 degrees Celsius)
Click here for examples of SDM70 Digital Beam Load Cells
Heavy Duty Load Cell-SDLX
The robust digital load cell type SDLX is produced in stainless steel. It is designed for the extremely tough environment in lift systems for waste management with shock loads and vibrations. The load cell can also be used in general industrial weighing applications. OIML certified to class C3 according to OIML R60.
Type: SDLX
Capacity (Emax): 300 kg
Accuracy: OIML class C3
Overload tolerance: Up to 500% of rated capacity
Special features:
- Robust capacitive technology
- Made in Denmark
- Patented high reliability capacitive sensor
- OIML R60 accuracy classes up to C3
- High tolerance of up to 500% overload
- Stainless steel
- Laser welded
- Hermetically sealed to IP68
- High accuracy, High resolution
- Digital filters
- Capacity (Emax): 300kg
- Accuracy: OIML class C3
- Cable length up to 100meters
- Calibration independent of cable length
- Load cell cable replaceable
- Easy mechanical and electrical installation
- Optional special load cell cable
- Withstands welding voltages and ESD
- Customized load cell capacity
- Load cell cable length 10, 20, 50 or 100meters
- Load cell cable type
- Special Teflon load cell cable available for very high temperature (can be used up to 100 degrees Celsius)
- Special PE load cell cable available for freezing low temperature (can be used down to -50 degrees Celsius)
Click here for examples of SDLX Heavy Duty Load Cells
Compression Load Cell-MD
Robust digital compression load cell produced in stainless steel and hermetically sealed to IP68. For example for hygienic weighing installations, installations in tough environments and general process weighing.
Type: MD
Capacity (Emax): 50, 100, 150, 250, 500, 1000, 1500, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000 kg
Accuracy: Industrial 0.10%, Precision 0.05%, High Precision 0.025%
Overload tolerance: 500% at 50kg, 200% at 5000kg capacity
Special features:
- Robust capacitive technology
- Made in Denmark
- Stainless steel
- High tolerance of up to 500% overload
- High accuracy
- Hermetically sealed to IP68
- Laser welded
- Hygienic design and installation
- Withstands welding voltages and ESD
- Capacity (Emax): 50, 100, 150, 250, 500, 1000, 1500, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000kg
- Accuracy: Industrial 0.10%, Precision 0.05%, High Precision 0.025%
- Cable length up to 100meters
- Load cell cable replaceable
- Easy mechanical and electrical installation
- Calibration independent of cable length
- Load cell cable length 10, 20, 50 or 100meters
- Special PE load cell cable available for freezing low temperature (can be used down to -50 degrees Celsius)
- Special Teflon load cell cable available for very high temperature (can be used up to 100 degrees Celsius)
- Base plate available
- Alfa Laval tank leg available for Eilersen load cells
Click here for examples of MD Digital compression Load Cells
Compression Load Cell-FD
Robust digital compression load cell produced in stainless steel and hermetically sealed to IP68. For example for hygienic weighing installations, installations in tough environments and general process weighing.
Type: FD
Capacity (Emax): 6000, 8000, 10000, 15000, 20000, 25000, 50000 kg
Accuracy: Industrial 0.10%, Precision 0.05%, High Precision 0.025%
Overload tolerance: 400% at 6 tons, 200% at 50 tons capacity
Special features:
- Robust capacitive technology
- Made in Denmark
- Stainless steel
- High tolerance of up to 400% overload
- Hermetically sealed to IP68
- Laser welded
- Hygienic design and installation
- Withstands welding voltages and ESD
- Capacity (Emax): 6000, 8000, 10000, 12000, 15000, 20000, 25000, 50000kg
- Accuracy: Industrial 0.10%, Precision 0.05%, High Precision 0.025%
- Cable length up to 100meters
- Load cell cable replaceable
- Easy mechanical and electrical installation
- Calibration independent of cable length
- Load cell cable length 10, 20, 50 or 100meters
- Special Teflon load cell cable available for very high temperature (can be used up to 100 degrees Celsius)
- Special PE load cell cable available for freezing low temperature (can be used down to -50 degrees Celsius)
- Base plate available
- Alfa Laval tank leg available for Eilersen load cells
Click here for examples of FD Digital Compression Load Cells
Compression Load Cell-DL(A)
Robust digital (ATEX certified) compression load cell produced in stainless steel and hermetically sealed to IP68. For example for hygienic weighing installations, installations in tough environments and general process weighing. The DL(A) compression load cell can be used in ATEX (Ex) and non-ATEX applications.
Type: DL (Non-ATEX), DL(A) (ATEX)
Capacity (Emax): 50, 100, 150, 250, 500, 1000, 1500, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000 kg
Accuracy: Industrial 0.10%, Precision 0.05%, High Precision 0.025%
Overload tolerance: Up to 1000% of rated capacity (special version)
Special features:
- Robust capacitive technology
- Made in Denmark
- High tolerance of up to 1.000% overload
- Stainless steel
- Hermetically sealed to IP68
- Laser welded
- ATEX version available (Zone 1, 2, 21, 22)
- Low profile and hygienic design
- Can be supplied with Mud resistant and Halogen free cables for offshore installation
- High Accuracy, High resolution
- Withstands welding voltages and ESD
- Cable length up to 100meters
- Capacity (Emax): 50, 100, 150, 250, 500, 1000, 1500, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000kg
- Accuracy: Industrial 0.10%, Precision 0.05%, High Precision 0.025%
- Load cell cable replaceable
- Calibration independent of cable length
- Can be used in both ATEX and non-ATEX installations
- Easy mechanical and electrical installation
- ATEX (Zone 1, 2, 21, 22) version type DLA
- ATEX II 2G Ex ia IIC T6 / ATEX II 2D Ex iaD 21 T85°C
- Base plate available
- Load cell cable length 10, 20, 50 or 100meters
- Mud resistant and Halogen free cables for offshore installation
- Special Teflon load cell cable available for very high temperature (can be used up to 100 degrees Celsius)
- Special PE load cell cable available for freezing low temperature (can be used down to -50 degrees Celsius)
Click here for examples of DLA Digital Compression Load Cells
Beam Load Cell-SD
Robust digital OIML certified beam load cell for dynamic weighing, process weighing and general industrial weighing. Application examples are belt scales, platform scales, small vessels, filling machines, process equipment etc. OIML certified (up to C6, MI10) according to OIML R60.
Type: SD
Capacity (Emax): 2, 5, 10, 20, 30, 50, 100, 150, 250, 500, 1000 kg
Accuracy: Industrial 0.10% up to OIML class C6 (MI10)
Overload tolerance: 500% at 5 kg, 200% at 1000 kg capacity
Special features:
- Stainless steel
- Made in Denmark
- Robust capacitive technology
- Patented high reliability capacitive sensor
- OIML R60 accuracy classes up to C6 (MI10)
- High tolerance of up to 1.000% overload
- Hermetically sealed to IP68
- Laser welded
- High accuracy, High resolution
- Small deflection at rated capacity
- Capacity (Emax): 2, 5, 10, 20, 30, 50, 100, 150, 250, 500, 1000kg
- Accuracy: Industrial 0.10% up to OIML class C6 (MI10)
- High resonance frequency (spring rate) for rapid dynamic weighing
- Digital filters
- Cable length up to 100meters
- Calibration independent of cable length
- Withstands welding voltages and ESD
- Easy mechanical and electrical installation
- Load cell cable replaceable
- Mounting kits available
- Load cell cable length 10, 20, 50 or 100meters
- Special Teflon load cell cable available for very high temperature (can be used up to 100 degrees Celsius)
- Special PE load cell cable available for freezing low temperature (can be used down to -50 degrees Celsius)
Click here for examples of SD Beam Load Cells
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EHEDG gecertificeerde HYGHSPIN schroefspindelpomp verpompt heelei
Het is een behoorlijke uitdaging om vloeibare eiproducten vriendelijk te verpompen. Jung Process Systems heeft hiervoor een hygiënische, EHEDG gecertificeerde HYGHSPIN 125 schroefspindelpomp.
(Artikel verschenen in PompNL nr 1, februari 2013.)
Eiproducten behoren tot de belangrijkste ingrediënten voor de voedingsmiddelenindustrie. Heelei wordt toegepast in bakkerijproducten en deegwaren, maar ook vaak in dressings, mayonaise en likeuren (bijv. advocaat). Eigeel heeft emulgerende eigenschappen en eiwitten coaguleren (stollen) door verhitting tijdens de verwerking. Daarom moet het product met uiterste zorg worden behandeld. De hygiënische HYGHSPIN schroefspindelpomp presteert hier bijzonder goed, omdat het product axiaal de pomp binnenkomt en niet van richting verandert. Een HYGHSPIN 125 verpompt bij een klant 90m3 heelei per uur bij 7 bar met behoud van productkwaliteit.
Wilt u het artikel lezen, open dan de bijlage onder de foto.
Voor meer informatie op onze website over HYGHSPIN schroefspindelpompen, klikt u op deze link.
KIESEL impellerpompen zijn droog zelfaanzuigende roterende pompen. Het werkprincipe is zeer eenvoudig: het hart van de pomp is een flexibel wiel (impeller) dat van een elastomeermateriaal wordt gemaakt. De individuele vleugels van de impeller worden sterk gebogen in het excentrische huis waardoor een pompeffect wordt gecreëerd.
Impellerpompen zijn ideale pompen voor het leegzuigen van IBC. Bovendien zijn impellerpompen goedkoop in aanschaf.