Toon items op tag: nonATEX
OEM Weighing Board 5008OEM
OEM weighing board for interfacing up to 8 digital load cells to PLCs, PCs etc. This weighing board is developed for OEM use. It can be equipped with customized protocols.
Type: 5008OEM
Interface: RS485, EtherNet, EtherCAT (pending)
Special features:
- Interfaces: RS485, EtherNet and EtherCAT (pending)
- Made in Denmark
- Weighing board for up to 8 digital load cells
- Plug-and-play installation with pre-calibrated digital load cells
- Advanced digital filters (configurable)
- Setup via dip switches
- Connectors for up to 8 digital load cells and power supply 24Vdc, min. 2A
- Application software can be made by request
- Weighing board for up to 16 digital load cells
- Prepared for panel mounting
- Mounted in stainless steel housing
- Customized application software
- OEM version
ATEX Serial Interface Module 4X40A
ATEX certified (zone 1, 2, 21, 22) RS485 interface module. For directly interfacing up to four digital ATEX load cells via RS485. The interface module type 4X40A can also be used in non-ATEX installations.
Type: 4X40A
Interface: RS485
Special features:
- RS485 output
- Made in Denmark
- Weighing module for up to 4 digital load cells
- For ATEX and non-ATEX applications
- Plug-and-play installation with Eilersen digital load cells
- Advanced digital filters (configurable)
- Small Form Factor
- A ”Digital Junction Box” that can be mounted near the load cells or in a central panel
- Setup via dip switches
- Application software can be made by request
- For ATEX when supplied by power supply type 4051A
- The power supply 4051A and module type 4X40A must be installed outside the hazardous zone
- Prepared for panel mounting on DIN rail
- Mounted in stainless steel housing
- Customized application software
- OEM version
Serial Interface Module MCE2040
Serial interface module. For interfacing up to eight digital non-ATEX load cells via RS232, RS485 or RS422 (Optional Modbus ASCII/RTU protocol).
Type: MCE2040
Interface: RS232/RS422/485 (Modbus ASCII/RTU)
Special features:
- Serial RS232/RS485/RS422 communication module for interfacing Eilersen digital load cells to PCs, PLCs and other equipment
- Made in Denmark
- The module can be used for up to 8 digital load cells and transmits the weight and status for each individual load cell
- The module offers plug-and-play installation with Eilersen pre-calibrated digital load cells
- Optional Modbus ASCII/RTU protocol
- Application software can be made by request
- Prepared for panel mounting on DIN rail
- Mounted in stainless steel housing
- Customized application software
- OEM version
ATEX DeviceNet Interface 4X37A
ATEX certified (zone 1, 2, 21, 22) DeviceNet interface module. For directly interfacing up to four digital ATEX load cells via DeviceNet. The interface module type 4X37A can also be used in non-ATEX installations.
Type: 4X37A
Interface: DeviceNet
Special features:
- DeviceNet output
- Made in Denmark
- Weighing module for up to 4 digital load cells
- For ATEX and non-ATEX applications
- Plug-and-play installation with Eilersen digital load cells
- Advanced digital filters (configurable)
- A ”Digital Junction Box” that can be mounted near the load cells or in a central panel
- Setup via dip switches
- Small Form Factor
- For ATEX when supplied by power supply type 4051A
- The power supply 4051A and module type 4X37A must be installed outside the hazardous zone
- Application software can be made by request
- Prepared for panel mounting on DIN rail
- Mounted in stainless steel housing
- Customized application software
- OEM version
DeviceNet Interface Mod. MCE9637
ODVA approved DeviceNet interface module. For interfacing up to eight digital non-ATEX load cells via DeviceNet.
Type: MCE9637
Interface: DeviceNet
Special features:
- DeviceNet communication module for interfacing Eilersen digital load cells to a DeviceNet Master device (PLC)
- Made in Denmark
- The module can be used for up to 8 digital load cells and transmits the weight and status for each individual load cell
- Application software can be made by request
- The module offers plug-and-play installation with Eilersen pre-calibrated digital load cells and the module is supplied with an EDS file for easy installation
- Mounted in stainless steel housing
- Prepared for panel mounting on DIN rail
- Customized application software
- OEM version
Analog Output Module 4X29
Analog output module. Featuring a small LED display, 4-20mA or 0-10Vdc active output and RS485 interface. The module also features four I/O for level alarms and remote tarering. This module can directly connect to up to four digital ATEX load cells for use in non-ATEX installations.
Type: 4X29
Interface: Analog output (4-20mA or 0-10Vdc active output) and RS485 interface
Special features:
- Analog 4-20mA or 0-10Vdc ACTIVE output
- Made in Denmark
- Digital RS485 serial communication
- Six character LED display
- 2 digital inputs + 2 digital outputs
- Weighing module for up to 4 digital load cells
- Shows the weight on each of the connected load cells
- Shows the summed weight for the connected load cells
- Configurable measuring time (40ms -> 4sec)
- 16bit D/A converter
- 3 different FIR filters selectable by dip switches
- Plug-and-play installation with Eilersen digital load cells
- Input for zero and tare
- Application specific software can be made by request
- A "Digital Junction Box" that can be mounted near the load cells or in a central panel
- Prepared for panel mounting on DIN rail
- Mounted in stainless steel housing
- Customized application software
- OEM version
Analog Output Module MCE2029
Analog output module. Featuring a small LED display, 4-20mA or 0-10Vdc active output and RS485 interface. The module also features four I/O for level alarms and remote tarering. This module can be used for up to eight digital non-ATEX load cells. The module type MCE2029 can also be used in ATEX applications when connected to an ATEX 4X40A interface module.
Type: MCE2029
Interface: Analog output (4-20mA or 0-10Vdc active output) and RS485 interface
Special features:
- Analog 4-20mA or 0-10Vdc ACTIVE output
- Made in Denmark
- Digital RS485 serial communication
- Six character LED display
- 2 digital inputs + 2 digital outputs
- Can be used for up to 8 digital load cells
- Shows the weight on each of the load cells
- Shows the summed weight for all the load cells
- Configurable measuring time (40 ms -> 4 seconds)
- 16bit D/A converter
- 3 different FIR filters selectable by dip switches
- Plug-and-play installation with pre-calibrated digital load cells
- Input for zero and tare
- Application software can be made by request
- Setup via keys and dip switches
- Prepared for panel mounting on DIN rail
- Mounted in stainless steel housing
- Customized application software
- OEM version
ATEX Profibus DP Interf. Mod. 4X35A
ATEX certified (zone 1, 2, 21, 22) Profibus DP interface module. For directly interfacing up to four digital ATEX load cells via Profibus DP. The interface module type 4X35A can also be used in non-ATEX installations.
Type: 4X35A
Interface: Profibus DP
Special features:
- Profibus DP output
- Made in Denmark
- Weighing module for up to 4 digital load cells
- For ATEX and non-ATEX applications
- Plug-and-play installation with Eilersen digital load cells
- Advanced digital filters (configurable)
- A ”Digital Junction Box” that can be mounted near the load cells or in a central panel
- Small Form Factor
- Setup via dip switches
- For ATEX when supplied by power supply type 4051A
- Application software can be made by request
- The power supply 4051A and module type 4X35A must be installed outside the hazardous zone
- Prepared for panel mounting on DIN rail
- Mounted in stainless steel housing
- Customized application software
- OEM version