Toon items op tag: weegterminals
dinsdag, 14 oktober 2014 00:00
LCD Weighing Terminal 5024G
Fully digital OIML certified weighing terminal type 5024G. With alibi memory and software for standard weighing applications. Digital signal processor for displaying and processing the data from the Eilersen range of digital load cells. Durable capacitive touch keyboard.
Type: 5024G
- OEM version
- Panel mounting
- Customized application software
- Mounted in stainless steel housing
Special features:
- 5,2" LCD for displaying data and parameters
- Touch keyboard with 7 keys for zeroing, tare function, entering parameters, set-points, etc.
- Alibi memory
- Made in Denmark
- Ethernet, RS485, and 4-20mA ACTIVE output for communication with PCs, PLCs, central data processing systems, printers, bar code readers, etc.
- 4 configurable 24Vdc I/O
- Function keys for Start/Stop and Print for handling various processes
- Durable front with no keyboard to be worn out
- Optional Profibus DP, DeviceNet, EtherCAT, and ProfiNet (pending) interfaces
- Filling & Dispensing of liquid or bulk material
- Dosing of liquid or bulk material
- Mobile weighing
- Checkweighing
- Scales
- Force measurement
- Level-by-weight
- Vessel weighing
- Customer specific application software
Click here for examples of the 5024G Digital LCD Weighing Terminal
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